Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Weekly Wisdom #330 - Where Are You!?

Weekly Wisdom #330 – Where are you!?

Dean Graziosi:  Hey, everybody. Dean Graziosi. Welcome to this week’s Weekly Wisdom. It's an honor and a privilege to have you here sharing with me yet again.
I know time is crucial, and that’s why I only send out Weekly Wisdoms once a week to hopefully give you the inspiration, the motivation, or maybe a tool that can put you on a course to a better life. So, thanks so much for being here this week.
I'm here today to do a shout out to my good friend, Jon Butcher, who owns Lifebook. I don't know if you've ever heard of it, but it's a really incredible process ‑‑ I just did it for the first time last weekend where I spent three‑and‑a‑half days creating my own life book.
And what does that mean? Well, you go through the 12 areas of your life that impact you the most. So we went through health and fitness, intellectual life, emotional life, my character, my spiritual life, my love relationship, my parenting, my social life, my financial life, my career and quality of life, and the vision for the future.
When's the last time you took three‑and‑a‑half days or three‑and‑a‑half hours or maybe even three‑and‑a‑half minutes to map out your life of where you are now, where you want to go, and how you're going to get there in all these areas of your life? I've never done this at this level so I’m sure many of you haven’t either.
And it was so incredible to see that whatever area in your life is doing good, maybe it's your health and fitness, maybe it's your love relationship, maybe it's your parenting skills, maybe it's your job, maybe it's your income, whatever is doing good, that means you envision that life to be better in the future.
If you're an entrepreneur and have your own business, you envision these things before they happen. If you have a great love connection or a marriage or a relationship, you envision how that relationship can be better before it happens and you work on it. You put energy in it.
And if you have any areas of your life where you set goals, you know those goals come true when you put action items to them, and you know you're why. And then, we wonder why some of these other areas of our lives struggle. Right?
So, listen, do you think out of all those 12 categories all of mine are perfect? That’s absolutely and totally wrong. I have some areas that are rocking, and some areas that need some massive help.
But when you write down where you are, where you want to go, and how you're going to get there and the why for each one of these categories, it changes absolutely everything.
So, what I was hoping to do is maybe this week we start with one of those categories, and over the next 12 weeks or so, we cover a lot of those categories.
If something else comes up that I think is more important, maybe I'll plop it in there. But I want you to see the power of writing down each one of these areas of your life and creating a goal for each.
It sounds like a lot, but you know, we'll obsess over a hobby or we'll obsess over things that do nothing for our life. But when's the last time we obsessed on creating a direction and momentum in an area of your life that you want to improve?
So, let's just take health this week. Here's the exercise. And this is in total respect and admiration for Jon Butcher. He's done so amazing with Lifebook, and if you can go to Lifebook then do it.
Get a yellow pad or a piece of paper, or type it on your computer or your smart phone. What are your current beliefs about exercise?
Do you believe that exercise is one of the most important things in your life, because if you don't pay now with the exercise, you'll pay later when you're older?
Do you believe exercise can make you have vitality and youth and energy and be better for your kids and better for grandchildren?
Or, are your beliefs that exercise is too hard? Do you believe that you don't have enough time for exercise? Do you believe exercise is for people that have smaller bones, or have more time or people that have money or gyms? Or maybe you think that going to the gym is for meatheads.
I don't know what your beliefs are, but your beliefs are the things that are making you go to the gym every day, or are making you avoid it like the plague.
So, what I'd love for you to do is maybe you want to think through what your current beliefs are of health and, and exercise. And what would you like to replace those?
Do you mind if I read you mine? I'll go through this really quick. It might take a second here. My beliefs are that I can cure everything and live a long, vibrant life based on my food and exercise, that nothing is more important than my health, that I'm in total control of my physical destiny and I can control my biological age inside and outside through health and exercise.
That's a pretty strong belief, right? Now, I went through years of thinking I didn't have time for exercise. It wasn't on the top of my list, but I didn't have the right belief. So, you start with belief. So, if you want to pause this video and write down your beliefs, that'd be great.
Next, I'd love for you to write down your vision. What is your vision? I'm going to share mine, so you can use this as an example. My vision is my body always looks like I'm an athlete of half my age.
Pretty big goal, but hey, that's my vision. Health and fitness is who I am, and it's represented in all I do.
Number three, that I maintain the energy and vitality of half my age all the way till I'm a 100‑years‑old, that when I look in the mirror, I know I'm honoring the gift that God gave me, my body. That's my vision.
So, think about that. Think about when you have a belief system that you can tweak and adjust and you have a vision of where you're going with your health.
Now, here's what's important, and you know I've been doing this for years if you've been watching me. I always tell you that you need the why. If you don't have the why, you want all this, it's useless.
So, pause this video anytime you want, because the next reason, the next thing you need to write down, is why you want to have those new beliefs, and why it's important for that vision to become your reality.
You want to know my purpose, my why? And look at that, a picture of my kids. That's what you do in this book too, is you add pictures that empower you.
It says, "Set an example standard and have endless energy for my children. To feel sexy, alive, youthful, and unstoppable on a regular basis. To not have ailments, illness, or setbacks from what lack of health and fitness brings to someone's life."
That's a pretty strong why. When I don't want to go to the gym in the morning, if I just look at that picture, I'm going to the gym. If I know that I want to set example for my kids, it doesn't matter if I'm tired.
I want to live to a hundred, and I want to be in amazing shape so my grandchildren and I can race down the street and I can beat them. That's what I want as my vision.
Now, I'm just giving you my personal stuff. I'm not perfect in any means. Exercise happens to be a really important one. I'm strong in that area, but this is how I changed it. And lastly, it's your strategy. Here's my strategy. Here's how I do it.
Exercise every day. To set goals in my fitness life, from running a 5K or a 10K, to strength goals, time goals up a mountain, to fun competitions with a friend. Number three, work with a personal trainer every time I need to be held accountable.
Number four, learn to take a relaxation break. I don't take enough relaxation breaks, and it's great for your body. Get a massage or go to the chiropractor at least once a month. Stretch daily or do yoga once a week. Do what it maintains to have a youthful and vibrant look.
Now, guys, this is my life. This is my life book. This is what Jon Butcher's vision was, is that we create this book of what our beliefs our, what beliefs we want, what's the vision, what's the why, and how we're going to do it.
Kind of the same strategies I've been teaching forever, but how great was it to have one book in all 12 areas of your life? Where are you with your health and exercise?
If, if you're watching me now and you came in, because you're a real estate student, you might be going, "Why the heck is Dean talking about health and fitness?"
Because I don't care if you become a millionaire from my re‑real estate strategies, but you're sick in the hospital, it's pointless. If your children lose you at a young age, if your grandchildren never get to meet you, if your spouse has to take care of you and you can't enjoy it, then, what is it all... what does any of it matter?
You're going to pay now, or you're going to pay later. Why don't we reverse the clock, rewind the future, and let's get exercise to be an important part of your life.
Listen, I've slacked before. I've gone months. Literally, the last couple of months, I've slacked more on exercise than I have in the last 10 years.
Going to Lifebook, I'm right back six days a week, first thing in the morning, because I know my why, and because I know where I want to go and I know how I'm going to get there.
I urge you to watch this a couple times, get your health and fitness Lifebook style of where are, where you want to go, how you're going to get there, and your why.
And let's make fitness a part of your life to have you optimized, have you healthy, have you vibrant. Let's take 10 years off the clock, and maybe 10 pounds off around the waist.

I'm Dean Graziosi.
Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed this, go get my book, "Totally Fulfilled," my first "New York Times" bestseller for free or my last real estate book, "30 Days To Real Estate Profits."
You can have them both for free if you don't have them already. You can go to

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